funny but no offence fruadish
um it was funny but we want dad so dont do that to get people to watch it
funny but no offence fruadish
um it was funny but we want dad so dont do that to get people to watch it
not be rude
i didnt really like it so
lol '-'
laughe out oud material
sad but i still loved it i like it way too go on your b-day im only 9 great song and awesome cartoon
ok nice please dont try to copy his vids
but make more fred vids but not copy it like fred loses his meds i love fred though
cool no improvvemnt plus coolio = u
too many cuss words
ok dont cuss too much im just in fourth grade but i no cuss i would give it a ten
I need to build antother trophy case because i can't fit anymore trophies on my case!!! Check out my art. I got some stinky cheese for you to look at.
Prairie Winds Elementary
Trophy room
Joined on 5/3/09